kokkaffe i naturen

Questions and answers

On this page you'll find common questions and answers, as well as tips about things that can be good to know when planning a canoe trip in Rogen and Femundsmarka Nature Reserves. Everything from packing tips to questions about fishing licenses and nature.

Wich tour should we choose?

On the Swedish side are great options for both wilderness and loneliness, as well as easier trips that can be carried out together with the family. Depending on which trip you choose, you'll have the opportunity to either paddle in calm waters or have the adventure of your life in areas where few people have left their footprints. 

If you want to paddle a trip that ends in Norway, we at Topsport recommend that you have considerable experience of outdoor life, good fitness and excellent equipment. In addition to long walking stretches, often in difficult terrain without marked paths, you will pass through large watercourses with harsh weather conditions. Safety needs to be prioritized. 
Does anything special apply in Rogen, which is both a Nature Reserve and a Natura 2000 area?
Yes, special regulations (in addition to the Right of Public Access/ the Swedish Environmental Code, see below) apply when staying in the area. Read more at the county administrative board about what applies in Rogen's unique environment.


What is the Swedish Environmental Code?
The purpose of the Environmental Code is to promote sustainable development. It is applicable to all persons and operators who undertake activities or measures which could impact on the fulfillment of the objectives of the Environmental Code. Read more at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

Is there a road to Rogen Nature Reserve? 
You can drive all the way to lake Käringsjön, about 8 km from Käringsjövallen. The road and parking fee is paid in cash at Käringsjön. From Käringsjön there is a well-marked trail to Rogenstugan, which belongs to STF (the Swedish Tourist Association).

Is there a grocery store in Rogen?
No, the entire Rogen nature reserve is wilderness. Food and outdoor shops are located in Funäsdalen. Fishing licenses can be purchased at the Tännäs Fishing Center and onsite at Lake Käringsjön.

Is it possible to rent a cabin in Rogen?
Yes, in STF Rogenstugan and STF Skedbrostugan. (Please note that STF has mandatory booking since the summer of 2020).

At Käringsjön there are also some cottages. Contact Kerstin or Per-Roger at Käringsjön on +46 684-28022.

Can you pitch a tent where you want?
Yes, you can pitch a tent wherever you want, as long as you follow the Swedish Environmental Code.

Can you build a fire wherever you want in Rogen?
No, you can only build a fire at marked places. The Nature Guard in the area refills the logs on a regular basis. If there is no wood, you'll find plenty to pick on the ground. Do not break any twigs or branches off trees! 

Does my cell phone work in Rogen?
Most phone operators have signal. If you struggle to get reception, try climbing up high. 

What wild animals can you find in Rogen?
Bear, wolverine, lynx, wolf, moose, beaver, reindeer, eagle and even the unique muskox if you are lucky.

Are the wild animals dangerous?
No. It is perfectly safe to leave food in the tent. It is very rare to get closer than a hundred meters.

Do I need fishing licence?
Yes. Most lakes gare covered by the county administrative board's licence (Ruhtven Sijte Sami village), which you can buy at Käringsjön, Tännäs Fishing Center or Topsport in Funäsdalen. Here you can also get information about fishing methods and rules. It is possible to catch char, trout, grayling, pike and perch. Both spin and fly fishing work great throughout the summer season.

Can garbage be left in Rogen?
No. Everything you carry with you, you take back out.

Is there a lot of portaging [bits where you must carry your canoe on land]?
Yes. The longest ones are up to 800 meters, but most are quite short.

Is there a doctor in Rogen?
No, but in Funäsdalen. The emergency number is 112.

Is there a Nature Guard in Rogen?
Yes. Here your find contact information to the Nature Guards.

What does the nature/environment in Rogen look like?
The Rogen area is a vast lake system among low mountains. The pine and birch forest is very old with knotty trees. On the very rocky ground are many fallen logs. Some areas consist of healthy bogs.

Can you drink the water in the lakes? 
Yes, in fact you don't even have to boil it! The temperature is normally between 7 and 14 degrees Celsius in the summer.  

Can you compare canoeing i Rogen with canoing in the Swedish areas Värmland och Småland? 
No. Rogen is much more barren with more logs and stones, fewer trampled paths and fewer people. Therefore, it places higher demands on fitness and experience. Prepare to manage completely on your own and to not to meet other people for several days.

Is it always good weather in Rogen?
Yes and no... during summer the temperature is often between 10 - 20 degrees Celsius during the days. During the nights it can get much colder. Expect frost in late September. Sometimes the wind can make it tough for canoeists. In a few minutes it can change from quite calm to big waves and cold temperatures. Stay close to land and use life jacket. 

How long is the paddling season?
It starts about one week before Swedish Midsummer in June and lasts until mid-September.

Are there mosquitoes?
Yes, bring mosquito repellent. Especially from Midsummer and a few weeks ahead.

When will the nice autumn colors come?
Usually in late August.

Can I drive a car to Käringsjön?
Yes. Don't forget cash for road toll, 40 SEK, and parking, 20 SEK/day. Pay in cash at Käringsjön. 

Can I paddle a kayak in Rogen?
Of course. However, expect significantly more strenuous portaging. It is often faster to travel with a canoe.

Do I need years of experience paddling in the wilderness?
No, but we recommend that you have some experience of wilderness life.

Can I bring the kids with me?
Yes, you know your children and their abilities best yourself.

Will I meet a lot of people in Rogen?
Yes and no. Sometimes in July there are a lot of people in the area, but it never gets crowded. In June and September you are alone.


Equipment and Packing List


What equipment should I bring?
In the list below are the things that should be included. Don't pack anything you don't need - packing light is packing smart!

Matches, Compass, First Aid Kit, Map, Food, Kitchen, Kitchenware, Water Bottle, Tent, Sleeping Bag, Sleeping Pad, Boots, Sandals, Underwear, Warm Undergarments, Socks, Fleece Sweater, Hat, Gloves, Backpack, Rainwear, Mosquito Oil, Camera, Fishing Sunglasses, Binoculars, Sunscreen. 

Can I use a canoe cart?
No, the trails are often very rocky and bad, so it's best to have your hands free and carry the canoe upside down.

Do I need special expedition equipment?
No, but rainwear and warm underwear should be included in the pack.

What kind of shoes should I use?
Bring boots for portages and sandals for wading and canoeing.

Do I need to bring a first aid kit?
Yes, and make sure you know how to use it.

Should I pack everything in a backpack?
Yes, everything becomes much easier and the portagings go much faster if you have all the packing on your back and your hands free.

Should I pack everything in large plastic cans with screw caps and carry in my hands?
No. All portages will take twice as long. If you do not have a good rain cover for your large backpack, you can pack waterproof bags inside. Most people with too much packing and plastic cans often come back after a few days of fighting.

Will there be place for an extra person in the canoe?
This is not something we recommend even if our canoes are approved for it. If you still choose to sit three people in a canoe (one sits at the bottom of the canoe) you have to think about packing extra light and smooth.

What happens if I destroy a canoe?
There is insurance that you redeem in connection with renting at Topsport Funäsdalen. Otherwise, you are fully liable for compensation.